Online Background Check And How To Conduct One Legally And Properly
If you work in an industry that deals with people, clients and associates all day, then the best thing for you to do when hiring new employees is to perform an online background check. An online background check can be one of the easiest things to do, that employers often overlook either because of laziness or absentmindedness.
Who needs to perform an online background check? Everybody does. It doesn?t matter if you are hiring a clown for your son?s birthday, a carpenter to fix your roof, or a secretary for your new office. Everybody must be checked. In this day and age, as crude as it may sound, you really can?t trust anybody. You never know when you might hire a child molester, arsonist, or murderer. Remember that even though you might think that an online background check is a waste of time, it could really save money and possibly lives in the long run.
What will an online background check show? An online background check will show you the person in question?s criminal history. There are a few things that may not show up, though. Crimes committed before a person hits eighteen won?t show up because those records get wiped out once a minor turns 18. They basically get a fresh start. Also, people who were arrested for crimes but later found innocent wont have the arrest on their record. That too gets erased. Minor traffic laws may not show up either. Is anybody exempt from an online background check? Only people under the age of eighteen cannot have an online background check preformed on them. As stated earlier, most minors get their records cleared as they hit the legal age of adulthood, so there is very little reason to check them. Many business owners don?t like this law. If you don?t like this rule, take it up with the federal government. Can you refuse hiring someone simply based on the results of their online background check? You cannot have the results of the online background check be the determining factor in your hiring decision. It?s just that plain and simple.
Now that you know how crucial it is to perform an online background check, be sure that you do it every time you hire somebody. It doesn?t matter if you?re hiring a full time employee or someone to mow your lawn. What?s right has to be done.
An online background check is a quick and easy to use tool that every employer should use in the hiring process.
Labels: criminal_background_search, family_background_search, public_background_search, tenant_background_search
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