Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tenant Background Checks

As a landlord, having the right tenants proves to be very important. There are many warning signs exhibited by a problem tenants, and some may not be instantaneously visible. Repeat offenders are experts at getting by landlords, and a landlord cannot always rely on gut feeling or first impressions when dealing with a prospective tenant. A landlord can take specific steps in order to avoid problem tenants. A prospective tenant can be asked to fill in an application. This application should be reviewed on submission. It should be made sure that the information provided is complete and accurate.

It is obligatory to have the full name, social security number, and the complete current or previous address including the zip code of the prospective renter. This information is required for obtaining a credit report. Apart from this a driver's license number and date of birth are also needed for criminal record and DMV reports and prior addresses are helpful for deportation reports. It is advisable that a landlord meets his prospective tenant in person. In our busy world, many people are opting for digital wireless communication and phone meetings. However, it is essential to take the time to actually meet the potential tenants in person. This will help a landlord get an idea about their character and go a long way towards making a lasting relationship.

Landlords are advised not to take a rental deposit from any aspirant before checking out their references. It is not unusual for the most likable and talkative applicant to have a poor payment history and awful credit habits. Obtaining the name of the previous landlord is another effective method to check on a tenant's background. Often landlords do not report troublesome tenants to the authorities, so calling up and checking with their former landlords is a good idea.

It is a well-known adage that prevention is always better than cure. Keeping this in mind a prudent landlord should undertake adequate provisions to make sure that the potential tenant is the right choice. By covering all the bases landlords can make sure that not only will they have the best tenants for their rental property, but also that their rights and the rights of you?re their potential tenants are being protected.

Background Checks provides detailed information on Background Checks, Criminal Background Checks, Employment Background Checks, Online Background Checks and more. Background Checks is affiliated with Criminal Background Search.

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