Sunday, December 30, 2007

Employee Background Check

With the online access that most of us have today, it is almost too easy to run checks on people. A number of companies make use of this technology on a daily basis. In fact, it is likely that an employee background check was done on you at some point or another in your present or past jobs. This is a crucial part of hiring now days. It is certainly difficult to tell where people have been and what they've done just by looking at them. Appearances can be deceiving.

If you check your stores online, you will notice that it's fairly simple to do a routine employee background check. There is software that's available to anyone. It's not that expensive either. When you think about it, this is rather ideal. Too many hoodlums and bums slip through the interview process with a bit of charm and charisma. However, with an employee background check, their past can be revealed. If there is something that stands out, you will know before hiring.

The Internet has really taken things to a whole new level. While companies can run an employee background check, anyone can also run a check on those living next door or across the street. We can find out if there are sexual predators in our neighborhoods. You'd be amazed when you purchase this software. I was baffled at what could be revealed about a person who sends me a simple email. Suddenly I know their name and address, and all sorts of things. Background checks are a valuable asset that can really set our minds at ease.

If you're an employer, you may have already done an employee background check on some of your workers and applicants. You surely know the advantages of these checks before making that new hire. A prime dilemma that was encountered at my previous place of employment was drugs. For some odd reason, people are using drugs while at work. This is not only illegal, but unsafe in many places of employment. I recall my boss doing several employee background checks on new applicants. One of which had been previously arrested for drug possession. This is a perfect example of why an employee background check is essential in today's society. We never know who is coming our way, therefore it's good to be able to run a check on individuals before hiring them. It's not just about previous experience and education anymore. It's about understanding what kind of person is being hired.

John Pawlett runs a private detective website that features numerous articles and reviews about the online detective and search industry. You can find out more on how to find out anything about anyone at

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Make Sure They Are Who They Say They Are - Background Checks.

We regularly meet new people during the course of our daily lives. Most of the time, these strangers just pass on and we never see them again; but once in a great while, there's a chance that a select few of them will eventually continue to play a role in our lives. For example, we might want to hire them to work for us, we might want to go into business with them, or we might even want to date them. In these instances, it's definitely in our best interest to know everything we can about the person. Ideally, we would hope that the person would be forthright enough to tell us all about themselves, both the good and the bad. Of course, that doesn't usually happen. A more certain way to find out the information we want to know would be to hire an independent third party to perform a background check.

There are many companies that can conduct background checks entirely online. In most cases, you can specify the type of information you want returned. Thus, if you're checking out a potential new hire, you can request information about past employment and criminal records. If you want to verify the financial history of a potential business partner, then you can request a full credit check that includes any bankruptcy filings or property liens. Performing a background check on a potential new boyfriend or new girlfriend to see whether he or she has ever been in jail, really does have a college degree, or has ever been married before is not unheard of, and can save you from lots of headaches (and possibly some heartache) in the future.

Ordering background checks online is a very easy and discreet process. The person you are checking up on will not know that anyone has requested the information, as most of the items contained in typical background checks are matters of public record anyway. Just don't expect to be able to get your hands on someone's Social Security number or bank statement; that type of information is never revealed by a legitimate company even if they happen to come across the data in their searches.

The prices for background checks vary from company to company and usually depend on the amount of information you need. If you just need to verify a current address and phone number, you will pay significantly less than if you need a 10-year employment and credit history. Regardless of the type of background check you order, most companies can return the results very quickly -- often in 24 hours or less. Today's technology allows people to easily forge documents and falsify the events of their past. Luckily for us, background checks are easy, inexpensive, and don't take a lot of time to complete. So before you get taken in by someone you would like to trust, proceed with caution by first finding out as much as you can.

John Pawlett runs a private detective website that features numerous articles and reviews about the online detective and search industry. You can find out more on how to find out anything about anyone at

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Searching Marriage Certificates - Background Check Your Future Partner

A marriage certificate is required:

* to provide legal proof of your marriage * to ensure that the rights of spouses and children are respected * to apply for certain social benefits * to settle an estate.

Who Can Apply for a Marriage Certificate

* individuals recorded as the spouse on a marriage registration * legal representative of either spouse * the parents or guardian of a person who was under 18 years of age at the time of marriage * children of the marriage to prove parentage, age, or birthplace of parents for legal purposes * an agent, or any other person, on the written authorization of either spouse * a person who requires the certificate for use in a court of law, for adoption, or for settlement of an estate * an officer of the Crown for official purposes * government departments approved by the Director of Vital Statistics when required for legal or other legitimate purposes.

The Marriage License Laws for a man and a woman to marry vary from state to state. Although there are differences between the requirements in the various states, a marriage between a man and a woman performed in one state must be recognized by every other state under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution.

Some requirements set by state law can include:

1. A marriage license issued by the county clerk or clerk of the court (along with payment of a fee).

2. Both man and woman are 18 or older, or have the consent of a parent or a judge if younger.

3. Proof of immunity or vaccination for certain diseases * Many states have done away with mandatory premarital physical exams or blood tests. Some states still require for venereal diseases, and a few also test for rubella (also known as German Measles, a disease that is very dangerous to fetuses), tuberculosis, and sickle-cell anemia.

4. Proof of the termination of any prior marriages by death, judgment of dissolution (divorce) or annulment. * Where there is a valid marriage, termination of marital status is obtained through a dissolution or divorce lawsuit, which results in a judgment that returns both the man and the woman to the status of an unmarried (single) persons.

5. Sufficient mental capacity (often this is determined as the ability to enter into a contract). * Marriage requires two consenting people. If either person cannot or does not understand what it means to be married (due to mental illness, drugs, alcohol, or other factors affecting judgment), then that person does not have the capacity to consent and the marriage is not valid.

6. The couple are not close blood relatives. * Close blood relatives cannot marry, although in some states, first cousins can marry. Of the states that allow first cousins to marry, a few also require that one of the cousins no longer be able to conceive children.

7. Blood test for venereal disease. * Due to the rise in HIV and AIDS, many states now require that parties applying for a marital license must be offered an HIV test and/or must be provided with information on AIDS and tests available. Presently, no states requires a mandatory premarital HIV/AIDS test.

8. Satisfaction of a waiting period from the time the marriage license is issued to the time the marriage ceremony is performed. * Most, but not all, states require a waiting period, generally one to five days, between the time the license is issued and the time of the marriage ceremony. The purpose of the waiting period is to give a short time to cool off during which the parties can change their minds if they wish. The waiting period can be waived for good reason. For example, if the groom is arriving in the bride's town only one day before the wedding, but the state has a three-day waiting period, the waiting period probably can be waived by a judge or clerk of court.

* Twenty-six states require couples to wait a few days after applying for a marriage license before they receive the license:

1-day Waiting Period: Delaware, Illinois, South Carolina.

2-day Waiting Period: Maryland, New York.

3-day Waiting Period: Alaska, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington.

4-day Waiting Period: Connecticut.

5-day Waiting Period Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin.

9. Performance of a marriage ceremony with witnesses and a person recognized by the state to have the authority to perform marriage ceremony (such as a priest, rabbi or a judge). * A religious ceremony should be conducted under the customs of the religion, or, in the case of a Native American group, under the customs of the tribe. Religious ceremonies normally are conducted by religious officials, such as ministers, priests, or rabbis. Native American ceremonies may be presided over by a tribal chief or other designated official. * Civil ceremonies usually are conducted by judges. In some states, county clerks or other government officials may conduct civil ceremonies. Contrary to some popular legends, no state authorizes ship captains to perform marriages. * Most states require one or two witnesses to sign the marriage certificate.

10. Recording of the marriage license after marriage ceremony is performed. * The person who performs the marriage ceremony has a duty to send a copy of the marriage certificate to the county or state agency that records marriage certificates. Failure to send the marriage certificate to the appropriate agency does not necessarily nullify the marriage, but it may make proof of the marriage more difficult.

11. Consummation of the marriage by the act of sexual relations (only a few states require this). * Consumate: What is completed. A right is said to be initiate when it is not complete; when it is perfected, it is consummated. * Consummation: The completion of a thing; such as the consummation of marriage, the consummation of a contract, and the like. * Most states consider a couple to be married when the ceremony ends. Lack of subsequent sexual relations does not automatically affect the validity of the marriage, although in some states non-consummation could be a basis for having the marriage annulled.

12. A marriage performed in another jurisdiction -- even overseas -- is usually valid in any state as long as the marriage was legal in the jurisdiction where it occurred. Please Note: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice.

It is important that you verify all information with your local marriage license office or county clerk before making any wedding or travel plans. (

Jake Paterson - visit to find more about marriage certificate and other public and vital records.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

What Is Background Check?

What are background checks?

From a simple criminal record check to a full blown due diligence investigation the contents and type of check can vary widely. Most checks consist of at least the following elements:

Criminal record search
Employment verification
Education verification
Driving record
Credit check

The above elements will most likely be seen in your typical employment screening process. In a due diligence investigation many many elements could be added from multi-jurisdictional civil searches to interviews with friends, family and neighbors, whereas the average consumer may just be interested in one or two of these elements.

Later we will discuss certain types of checks such as pre-employment screening or hiring a nanny for your children.

Why conduct them?

There are as many reasons to conduct background checks as there are types of checks. Some companies conduct checks on potential employees to determine whether or not the employee has a criminal record.

This is especially important if the employee is going to be handling money or working closely with customers.

Imagine hiring a person who has a history of violence and then putting them in a customer service position.

You could be looking at a negligent hiring suit and subjecting your company to a great deal of liability.

What about other types of checks? Many companies run a credit check on potential employees.
How does this relate to a persons ability to work? In some instances it does not relate but may give a good indication if the person is reliable and can be counted on.

In other cases it directly relates to the position the person applied for. For instance you may not want to hire a tax consultant who is in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. It is just common sense.

Most companies take something as subjective as a credit report on a case by case basis.

There are a plethora of other reasons to conduct a background check on someone. Your creepy neighbor, a new nanny for the kids, your kids little league coach.

You may be going into business with someone and want to know what type of dealings they have had in the past. These are all very compelling reasons.

You will be able to do thorough and complete online investigations on yourself and almost anyone.
False! While it is true that you can check out some people online you are never ever going to get a "thorough" investigation in this manner.

Used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies!: I have been involved in law enforcement a long time and I do not know one single agency or officer that uses this software.

Again, the software is just basically a bunch of links that anyone with half a brain and a good search engine can find.
Clyde Barry Website -

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Criminal Background Check Get it Quickly Online

How often have you been searching for a phone number or address and seen an advertisement for a criminal background check? This tool that was once available only to law enforcement officials is now available to anyone who is willing to pay for it. Think it's all a bogus ploy for money? Think again.

Criminal background checks can be used by businesses and individuals for a variety of purposes. Some of those reasons are commonly understood. A daycare, school or after-school program will likely run criminal background checks to be sure that workers have no history of child molestation. While it's not a foolproof method of being sure that children are safe, it is a step in the right direction. By the same token, nursing homes and retirement centers may run a criminal background check to eliminate workers and volunteers who have known violent tendencies. Hospitals and doctor's offices may use criminal background checks to look for drug abuse, since workers will likely have access to drugs on the premises.

There are some other reasons for a business to run a check. A company may choose to run a criminal background check on every applicant before offering a position in the company. This is particularly important in some industries. A company that makes airplanes, for example, will probably want to be sure that employees are not associated with any terrorist groups and that they have not been involved in any terrorist activities. A meat-packing plant may run a background check to be sure that potential employees are not animal rights activists looking to create issues for the company.

Neighborhood organizations and individuals may also run criminal background checks on those living in the area. While some say it's an invasion of privacy, finding out that a new neighbor has been arrested for assault or that he (or she) has been involved in a child abuse case allows the neighbors to be alert. It's not possible to always prepare for every possible situation, but information like this can be what it takes to keep children and families safer.

So how do you run a criminal background check? You'll find plenty of online sites ready to offer the service. Take time to evaluate the company offering the information before you sign up. Remember that these checks typically aren't free, so be sure of what you're going to get before you pay. You should also keep in mind that there are some free online sources of information. Your state department of corrections may have information if you know that someone has been in prison, and sex offenders will be registered with your local police department.

Bob Benson is the founder of Background checks online. We provide information on Criminal Background Search

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Monday, December 17, 2007

More About Background Check

Trust is something hard to come by especially if one does not know the person. To make this happen, companies and people do background checks on the individual to avoid being swindled or victimized.

An example is when people apply for a job. The company has to do a background check to see if that individual is for real or a fraud. Human resource practioners do this by letting the applicant fill up a form.

This usually has the name of the applicant and other details such as where the person worked before. In the bottom, these people ask for 3 individuals to be used as character references that have either worked or known the individual.

Some companies do not have the budget to do this so it is left to an employment agency to do the necessary checking before forwarding the application of the person to the client company.

When calling references, questions such as how long the individual has known the person and at what capacity. If the one being called is a co-worker or the employer, questions such as what the strengths and weaknesses of the person, why did the person leave and would the company re-hire the individual if there is an opportunity.

Another way of doing a background check is going online. The person can check if the applicant has a criminal record and other important details such as the social security number that may cost a little but it will all be worth it if the person is clean.

Background checks are also done when a person applies for a loan in a bank. If this person has not done business with the bank or has only recently opened an account, this is needed to avoid being victimized by impostors or other criminal elements.

The bank will do this by asking for some information such as where the person lives, documents that may be used as collateral for the loan such as the house or the car. A check online will also determine if the person has a criminal record or not before the loan can be processed and given to the individual.

Credit card companies do the same. Aside from filling up the form, other documents need to be presented such as one?s pay slip to know how much the person is earning. Once this has been done, the creditor can determine how much credit can be given to this customer.

Some companies who are in the same industry for example retail have an association among it?s members. Should an applicant who worked in one company decide to work in another but has a bad record, that individual will be blacklisted and will surely not get the job.

Whether an individual applies for work or needs something done, background checks are needed for the safety of the firm and the people who work for it. By implementing these procedures; a person who deserves the job fills that vacancy, a loan can be granted to the right people and the person can shop until the card has reached its limit.

Security is something needed in modern society. It separates the good from the bad and those who deserve something or not. Without it, people will fall victim to criminal elements and businesses will not flourish.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides background check resources on

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Background Check Essentials

There is no disputing the importance of conducting background checks in today's society. The benefits of comprehensive background checks are felt not only by business owners but by the individual customer. From CEO's to housewives more and more people are beginning to view background checks as a pro-active risk management strategy. The question many are asking is, "can I afford not to conduct a background check?" "Can I afford not to protect myself, my family, or my business when the cost of acquiring such information is becoming increasingly more cost effective?" What used to cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars to uncover can now be quickly and easily obtained at a fraction of the cost.

There are a few important components of a background check that need to be discussed. In order for any background check to be considered thorough both an SSN trace and a criminal record check must be conducted. There are many different types of criminal record searches. They can be narrowed easily into two main categories: database criminal record searches and onsite criminal record searches. The most thorough criminal record check available will always be an onsite search. Database searches, as we all know are fallible, but are a cost effective means of research. It is only at the onsite level that social security numbers can be used for criminal record verification purposes.

Sadly, the criminal record system is not as refined or accessible as the background check system. Thanks to credit card companies, telemarketers, and marketing research firms an individual's residence history, bankruptcies, relatives, and alias names can be determined with speed and efficiency. The criminal record system is entirely the opposite. The system is antiquated to say the least. Due to many different state and county reporting practices and regulations it is not uncommon for criminal records to "slip through the cracks." This lack of proper reporting can be dangerous both to businesses and individual citizens. This risk can be averted by conducting manual onsite criminal record searches along with SSN verifications for every subject.

Alias names are a crucial aspect of any background check. It is because of alias names, that SSN verifications are so important in conducting a thorough background check. Most of us have what are considered alias names. Allow me to explain, a John Wayne Smith can show up via public record as John Smith, John W Smith, JW Smith, J Wayne Smith, Johnny W Smith, etc. and the list goes on. Public record may list an individual's personal information in many different ways. Therefore, it is very important that a human researcher of some kind review and compile any comprehensive background check. There will never be a substitute for human reason.

In conclusion, one would be well advised to find a company that specializes in this type of service. There are many companies out there that offer only one service or the other. A criminal check is not complete without an SSN verification or background check, nor is a background check complete without a criminal record search and SSN verification. They indeed go hand in hand. Beware of any company that cannot or does not offer both, because the information returned may not be complete or accurate. In today's society you really can't afford not to conduct a comprehensive background check.

Some Additional Tips: 1. Do not use any part of your address or birth date as a PIN. Never write your PIN anywhere.

2. Ready to mail your bill payments? Don't leave them in the open. Thieves will grab them off your desk, use cleaning solvent to remove the payee's name, and replace it with another name that enables them to get the money. And once thieves have your checks or your checking account number, they can use computers to print checks with your name on them.

3. Never put any information about yourself on a post card or on the outside of an envelope other than a return address.

4. Stop giving people your mother's maiden name. It helps crooks access private information about you.

5. When a new credit card arrives, sign the back immediately using permanent ink. Never carry more than two credit cards. Don't give your credit card number over the phone unless you initiated the call, and never do so in a public place, including at work. Never give your credit card number when using a portable or cell phone. If a credit card you've ordered does not arrive promptly, call the card issuer.

6. When you buy an item, keep the warranty information, but don't mail the warranty reply card, especially if it is a post card. (Doing so offers you no protection you don't already have.)

7. Avoid entering contests that require you to provide your name, address, or other personal or financial information.

Learn more about protecting your identity visit:

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Doctor Background Check

Why check a doctor?s background?

We all want the best possible surgeon or physician when it comes to our healthcare. We know all physicians and surgeons do not have the same training and experience, especially in today?s advanced medical health-care environment. No doctor will tell you outright whether he/she has been disciplined or had one or more malpractice judgments issued against him/her. The only way to find out, is to ask or research the surgeon or physician yourself.

Free Doctor Information

Is there such a thing as free doctor information? Absolutely; you can find free doctor information by contacting your state medical board or by browsing online. The question is, how much information can you get for free and how accurate will it be? Most state medical boards do not charge; however, most (if not all) offer limited background information on doctors. Very few establishments (less than a handful) specialize in providing information relating to doctor?s credentials. That?s why it?s important to find out how credible the company is, and what type of doctor-related information they offer.

Doctors? Credentials

Just by looking at a doctor?s credentials will not guarantee you will receive high quality health care. However, you can use several important criteria to find an experienced well-trained physicians or surgeon.


? If your are looking for a specialist, make sure he/she is board-certified in his/her respective
? field of specialty.
? Make sure no disciplinary actions has been instituted.
? Look closely at malpractice judgments, and how many have been brought against the practitioner (more than three is not good)
? Find out if he/she is fellowship-trained in their specialty field. This-is usually a good sign.
? Look for hospital affiliations or membership affiliations; the more there are, the better.
? Physician or surgeon has been practicing medicine five years or more.
? Research to see if they have teaching responsibilities at any hospitals etc.
? Look for a physician or surgeon who has been practicing medicine for five years or more.
? Research to see if they have teaching responsibilities at any hospitals or other medical institutions.
? Find out how much of the physician?s practice focuses on the medical condition/surgery you request.
? Find out if the physician/surgeon has any awards, or is involved in his/her community.

Research a Doctor
How do I research a doctor? The Internet is loaded with many sites which claim to have information about doctors? credentials information. And yes, most of them do; however, you want to make sure you get more than just a doctor?s license number and contact information. For more comprehensive information, consider contacting the following sources.

? Your local library
? Your state medical board
? The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), a non-profit organization comprising 24 medical specialty boards.
? The medical society relevant to your intended physician or surgeon?s field of specialty.
? American Medical Association , if a member

Bottom line.

Every physician or surgeon has a different background of experience and training. The more research you conduct into this background, the more it will increase your chances of finding a health-care provider who will satisfy your medical needs. Hugo Gallegos is founder & president of call Toll Free 1 877-242-8556.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Criminal Background Checks

As an employer, it is understandable that you want to know as much as possible about a prospective employee. A combination of employment application, personal references and background investigations can give you a sense of peace when entrusting an individual with responsibilities within your company.

As an employer, it is understandable that you want to know as much as possible about a prospective employee. A combination of employment application, personal references and background investigations can give you a sense of peace when entrusting an individual with responsibilities within your company.

It is also important that employers not rely solely upon the employment application alone. It is estimated that up to 30% of all applications contain some type of falsifications or fabrications. Many methods exist to inquire about the background of a candidate.

One of the most utilized types of background checks is the criminal background investigation. All businesses handle some type of sensitive information of some degree. Retail businesses want to be sure prospective employees are clean from theft charges to reduce the instance of employee theft. Businesses or non-profits dealing with children and/or seniors are legally obligated to know the backgrounds of their employees. We have all heard the horror stories of an abusive childcare worker with a criminal background in which the employer was unaware. It is vital for the safety and security of both the business and those served that employers perform a thorough investigation of each employee.

Employers should be careful to limit the information that they need based on the responsibilities of the specific job function. For example, when hiring an employee that will handle cash transactions, employers will need to know if the candidate has had any prior convictions regarding theft. It is also mandatory that the types of background investigations to be performed are clearly outlined in any pre-employment literature. With the increasing concern about privacy, it is in the employers best interest to be upfront and honest about any inquiry of this nature.

The implementation of criminal background checks can greatly reduce the financial loss of a company by weeding out those who have criminal convictions. Another instance where criminal background checks can be useful is when an employee will be dealing with the public sector. In order to limit the likelihood of negligence lawsuits, employers should consider criminal background checks as a standard pre-employment screening tool.

When calling upon a private investigation firm, an employer might not be sure of what information they really need. However, some of the most common concerns are about criminal conviction. In regards to criminal background checks, the Fair Credit Reporting Act prohibits employers from rejecting employment to those who have been charged but not convicted of a crime. When interviewing a private investigation firm, it is important to find out what information they gather and from what sources. Employers can be held liable of violating Federal law if they reject employment based on this type of information.

Background Checks provides detailed information about criminal, employment, online, executive, and personal background checks. For more information go to Background Checks and/or visit our affiliate site at Original Content Web.


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The Importance of Performing Background Checks

It is important for all businesses, institutions, and families who are considering hiring someone to take the critical step of performing a background check.

It is important for all businesses, institutions, and families who are considering hiring someone to take the critical step of performing a background check.

A middle-class family in suburban Atlanta recently woke to discover thieves had ransacked their home and taken nearly everything. 

Who were the culprits? 

Two men that were employed with a cleaning company who had been in the house less than a week prior. It was later determined that these men, who worked for a prestigious and reputable cleaning company had colorful criminal backgrounds of robbery and theft. The two men were on assignment at the home and while one of them did the cleaning, the other cased the house taking note of valuables and even ways to get around the security system. It was eventually determined that the cleaning company neglected to properly investigate the backgrounds of its employees; and the company was sued for negligence. Stories such as this do not often in without violence; however, this example illustrates the dire importance of thoroughly screening all new employees with a background check.

This is example is surely of the extreme. It is, however, important for all businesses considering hiring someone to take the critical step of performing a background check. It is estimated 30% of all resumes submitted to employers, has some falsified content. This content can vary from exaggerations to outright lies. The most common falsifications are usually located in the education portion of the resume.

Most businesses deal with sensitive information at some level. This may range from handling social security numbers, credit card information, drivers license information and other types of personal information. In order to assure clients and customers that their information is being handled properly, it is the duty of the business owner to take the necessary step in getting a thorough background check on all employees. Personal and professional references are still a good method, however, they should not be relied upon solely. It should be obvious that prospective employees will give names of those who will give a good reference; background checks pick up where references stop they will give you accurate and in-depth information regarding the candidate.

Background checks are available to cover a wide variety of areas. Drivers license, character references, personal acquaintances, education records, criminal records, court records, credit records and much more. It is also important to note that much of this is public information. In addition, employers should understand that according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, some information cannot be used in conjunction with a background check. Bankruptcies after 10 years and many other types of consumer information that is older than 7 years may not be reported. Criminal background, credit reporting, workers compensation claims and character references are just a few among a long list of types of background checks that are widely available. Employers should know the laws in their specific state regarding what information is available for their specific needs.

According to Paul Falcone, author of the book The Hiring and Firing, background checks serve many purposes: to enhance security in the workforce, to reduce turnover, to minimize the occurrence of employee theft and to leave you with the peace of mind that you have made the right decision in the hiring process. As a business owner, it is imperative to know who is working for you and what their background is. Employers should also include notice of the types of background checks performed, in their pre-employment literature. Most employers do not have the time, resources or authority to complete such thorough investigations. In order to gain this peace of mind, it is necessary to hire a background investigation firm.

Several types of firms conduct background checks. They can range from a company who verifies employment history only, to an online data broker to a private investigator. Though background check prices can vary widely depending on need, the average cost of an intermediate investigation seems to be in the $50 range. Business owners should consider this good practice and an inexpensive form of insurance for their company. Skimping on something as vitally important as a background investigation could possibly cost the company much more in the long run.

Free Background Checks

It is only human nature that the word free catches our attention. Who doesnt want free stuff? Employers should be extra careful when dealing with offers for free background investigations. If one searches the Internet for the query free background checks, he or she will certainly be bombarded with results. Upon closer examination of these free offers, it is apparent that the information you need is not really free at all. Yes, you can find out if a person has any outstanding warrants, any criminal charges but in order to see the details of the findings, you must pay a fee. It is very possible for employers to find the information for themselves. Various types of public records are searchable on the Internet. Another method is to contact the local police or sheriffs department. Depending on the particular laws of a state and the employers needs, much of the information may be acquired for free from one of these agencies. According to privacy advocates, employers should be very cautious of those companies who advertise that they can find out anything about anybody these companies might not be adhering to the federal laws regarding privacy. It is in the employers best interest to know as much about the investigating companys practices before hiring them.

Background Checks provides detailed information about criminal, employment, online, executive, and personal background checks. For more information go to Background Checks and/or visit our affiliate site at Original Content Web.


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Friday, December 7, 2007

Background People Search, How and Why


Getting Comfortable with a Background People Search

Are you thinking of hiring someone? Or are you looking for a tenant for your rental property, or trying to track down a long-lost family member or friend?

As long as you are in legitimate need of personal information about someone else, you may benefit from having a background people search performed. Before you start a process that may make you feel slightly uncomfortable, however, there may be a few questions you?d like clarified.

Who requests background people searches?

Employers, legal officials, government agencies, landlords, and even those hoping to find friends or family members will often have a background people search performed.

Employers and landlords, especially, by making sure they are not going to become involved with someone whose past history points to a poor employment or rental risk, can save themselves future legal headaches.

What will a background people search reveal?

That will depend on what you specifically ask the investigator to research, and how thoroughly the search is performed. You will have to pay more to get more.

Will a background people search uncover a person?s criminal history?

The success of a background people search focusing on someone?s criminal record will depend on the skills of the researcher. It is best, in the case of criminal searches, to hire a firm with a network of ?court runners?, who will make on-site visits to the various court houses where the individual might have criminal convictions on file.

County criminal records searches, depending on how much information you give the researcher, are most likely to give you accurate results. Because more than one individual can share the same name, you should, if possible, have a date of birth, or even better, a Social Security Number for the person you are checking.

What if I can?t find a background people search service with court runners?

Just be aware that many online background search services limit themselves to searching lists of current prison populations. If the person you are checking was recently released from prison, you won?t know.

And any juvenile criminal records a person has will not show up in a search.

What else can I find out through a background people search?

Background people searches can be done to find bankruptcies and to check a person?s credit history. Bankruptcies are a matter of public record, but credit history screening can only be done by prospective employers or landlords, and the request for them must be accompanied by a signed release from the person being investigated.

You can also verify employment and education histories, but some educational institutions will not release transcripts.

Can I do a background check on a company?

Investigators who perform background people searches can also do company credit checks, revealing a company?s credit limits, payment history, opened accounts, payment terms, liens, and bankruptcies.

Is a person?s Social Security Number important for a background people search?

Having a Social Security Number enables to find any aliases associated with it. You will also be able to do a nationwide search for the addresses of all the names that have ever been connected to the Social Security Number.

Will having a person?s E-mail address help with a background people search?

An E-mail address will help distinguish between two people with the same name, but won?t find a person all by itself.

Finally, if you are still uncomfortable about asking for a background people search, just consider how much discomfort you may be sparing yourself in the future!

Matt Garrett ? 2007

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Physician Background Search

Background searches are mostly used when one wishes to find more information about a new relation, or by employers on their would-be employees, or when one is going into a new business transaction with a previously unknown individual. One does these background searches because it's always better to be safe.

In the same way, one should take care about their and their family's safety while choosing a doctor or a hospital. Almost 200,000 people die every year because of doctor-induced injuries. Specific physician background searches are available, where one can get a host of information about doctors and physicians.

Generally, Physician Background Searches will give information about any doctor of medicine (MD) in the USA. Physician Background Searches can be also run on plastic surgeons, dentists, veterinarians and chiropractors.

A Physicians Background Search searches for: the doctor's full name, current address of doctor's practice, academic background, awards and honors received by the doctor, any state where the doctor is allowed to practice or has ever held a license, specialties and certificates in those specialties, year of national board certification, his professional activity history, residency training history (which includes hospital names, date of training and specialty), DEA registration status, Medicare or Medicaid sanctions against him, any actions taken against him by the state medical disciplinary boards, a civil court records search, his address history, a real property search, any aliases used, complaints of

sexual abuse or sexual misconduct with a patient, citations for criminal convictions, mis-prescribing or overprescribing of drugs, citations or convictions for drug or alcohol abuse, citations for sub-standard care, incompetence or negligence, practicing without a license, professional misconduct, falsifying medical records, loss or reduction of hospital privileges, and lawsuits.

Background Searches provides detailed information on Background Search, Background Search Engines, Credit Record Background Search, Criminal Background Search and more. Background Searches is affliated with Employment Background Checks

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Personal Background Search

A personal background search, also known as a personal profile search, can be used to know to know the personal details of individuals. It also helps one to get a good overview of who a person really is.

These searches check the name, address and current employment of the individual. They also verify the previous and current addresses of the individual. The search also checks for the individual's relatives. Some of the information one can get from a personal background search includes the most current reported address, address history, telephone numbers, relatives, property ownership, professional affiliations and professional licenses.

Personal background searches can find accurate details about friends, family, new acquaintances and people we are just about to get acquainted with. The searches take information from various public and private records, thereby giving a proper portfolio of the character investigated.

With a proper background search, one can verify Social Security numbers, find details about current and previous addresses, and in some cases even find out about bankruptcy charges.

Generally, the only information needed for these searches are the person?s name, current address and Social Security number. Personal background searches are also useful to reveal unlisted numbers.

Personal background searches are extremely necessary and important while one is employing various people for household purposes. For example, one should take a thorough background search while hiring a nanny, housemaid or other household employees.

Also, one should find out proper details while moving in with someone, or having a live-in relationship. There is also software available for personal background checks.
Background Searches provides detailed information on Background Search, Background Search Engines, Credit Record Background Search, Criminal Background Search and more. Background Searches is affliated with Employment Background Checks .

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Tenant Background Searches


Tenant background searches become necessary when you are thinking of renting your house. A foolproof tenant background search helps you to make a quick, educated decision based on your tenant's background.

When thinking of renting your premises to a practical stranger, the basic things to check are the references the person provides. Other important things to check are eviction records, applicant fraud detection reports, criminal reports, sex offender reports, and terrorist reports.

The Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996, which became effective on October 1, 1997, has had a considerable effect on the rental industry. According to this act, the landlord has to obtain a disclaimer (a written authorization) from each applicant before screening. This disclaimer is to be kept in the file, even if the applicant is denied. When taking adverse action against the tenant, the landlord has to furnish him with an oral, written, or electronic notice of the adverse action, and all details of the consumer reporting agency that provided the report. The tenant has the right to demand a copy of the report against him, and he has the right to dispute the findings.

Tenant background searches can be conducted either in the landlord's own capacity or entrusted to a company experienced in this field. Tenant background searches are also carried out by private individuals who have taken made this process their profession. Tenant screening services run a thorough check on current public records, employment, and tenant credit report information. These agencies might even conduct personal interviews of previous landlords, who might reveal valuable information regarding the tenant. Entrusting the building to an unsuitable tenant might result in costly evictions and loss of rental income.

If you have several applicants as prospective tenants, running background searches might turn out to be very expensive. Tenants, who are keen on securing the house for rent, might offer to share the expenses involved. In spite of the expenses involved, tenant search agencies are beneficial to landlords because they help identify problem tenants and safeguard the landlord's property, avoiding legal troubles as well.

Background Searches provides detailed information on Background Search, Background Search Engines, Credit Record Background Search, Criminal Background Search and more. Background Searches is affiliated with Employment Background Checks .

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Free Background Search

 Various websites offer simple background searches for free. However, these free background searches are restricted by many terms and conditions, and normally do not come up with satisfactorily results, unless a particular background search product of the website is offered 'free' with another product of the website.

The free background checks on the various websites are not confidential. The results send an e-mail instantly to the subject to be checked, and when they give their consent, the results are sent via e-mail.

Therefore, for a confidential background check, paid checks are always suggested.

A free background search is a very important and easy-to-use feature. Sometimes it can tell a good deal about people we think we know thoroughly. Free background searches are very useful to learn minor details about individuals, which aren't worth the hassles and expense of a proper background search.

A properly done free background search can tell one whether their would-be employees are lying about their college degrees, whether 'the right one' is really the one, or whether one can leave their children safely alone in the house, with the next-door neighbors present all the time.

Some facts about individuals which are open to public knowledge are name, address, telephone number, a person's age, the validity of a person's social security number, criminal history for offenses like driving under the influence, personal credit reports, academic history and professional licenses.

Many of the above facts can be accessed through various websites, or through phone calls to various government departments.

Finally, a vital records search should be an integral part of any background search taken personally. A vital records search will include birth and death certificates, marriage certificates and divorce decrees.

These documents can also help one find the relatives of the individual, who can be helpful for further background searches.

Background Searches provides detailed information on Background Search, Background Search Engines, Credit Record Background Search, Criminal Background Search and more. Background Searches is affliated with Employment Background Checks .

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