Friday, February 29, 2008

Why You Should Do A Background Check On A Prospective Nanny

Are you looking for a nanny? Do you need someone to look after your children while you are working? Is that person going to live in your home with you? Are they going to be spending extended periods of time with your children without supervision? Are your children very young and unable to communicate well?

These are all reason why you should do an exhaustive background check on your prospective nanny. If you need someone to look after your children when you are not able to, you need to make sure that there is nothing in that persons background that could cast suspicion on whether or not they are qualified to hold that position. There is nothing more important then the safety and well being of your children.

You can do an exhaustive background check quite easily nowadays. You can do it yourself online or hire a company. A background check can include criminal histories, criminal records, credit information as well as previous addresses and things of that nature. You of course would want to know of any criminal history that your prospective employee has. Whether or not children are involved if their record is not clean, and even if children are not involved, there are many offenses that a person could commit that could give you good reasons not to hire them. A drunk driving conviction for example, is a red flag that a alcohol problem could exist. Is your nanny going to be responsible for driving your children to and from school and after school activities? Then you are going to want to see their driving record. A person with many driving offenses may lack driving skills and you wouldn?t want them driving your children around. A person who doesn?t pay their bills on time could have a hard time managing their finances. This could be a sign of immaturity and irresponsibility.

Just doing a simple reference check is important. It can tell you if their previous employers had any difficulties with them and if so what they were. Gathering all the information possible about prospective nannies is very important. The information combined with an interview that gives you the opportunity to ask any questions that arise form the background check and give the prospective nanny a chance to answer them. You need to trust your instincts about a person. If you do a background check combined with reference checks and an exhaustive interview, you should be able to get a good picture of what kind of person the nanny is and if she/he would be a good fit with your family.

Jennie Crawford is a stay at home mom of two small children. For more information about background checks, go to or

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

7 Reasons To Run Background Checks

1. Dating: The dating world has become a lot different than when our parents and grandparents were going to a drive-in movie. Online dating has become very popular in the 21st century. There have been many people who have found the love of there life. There have also been instances of people who have met their worst nightmare.

You should do a background check on anyone you are considering dating if you haven't known them very long, especially if you met them online. Ask yourself these questions: "Are they married?", "Have they been convicted of a sex crime?", "Do they have a criminal history of any kind?". These are all things you should know before you go on that first date. Knowing these things could save your life and/or your money.

2. Child Support: Does your ex-husband or wife owe you child support but no one seems to be doing enough to find him or her? Did you know that you can find this person yourself? Well you can, and it's not difficult. You can usually find the information you are seeking within minutes.

3. Employees: Finding good employees nowadays can be difficult at best. Running background checks on employees is a big plus for you. I mean do you really want someone who was caught steeling at his last job? Or someone with a temper who is capable of an assault on you or your other employees? Find out all this information before you hire someone.

4. Child Care: This one is very important. Our children are our lives and no one wants to intentionally put their child in jeopardy. A background check should be run on anyone who is alone with your child. Make sure your little one is safe when you can't be there. And it's very easy to do.

5. Beneficiaries or heirs: There is a lot of unclaimed money out there simply because the heir can't be found. Maybe you are one. Maybe there is other money that you are owed. Find out now and reap the benefits.

6. Your neighbors: Would you like to know who your neighbors really are? A great number of crimes have been committed by the victim's neighbor. How well do you really know yours?

7. Missing people: Do you know someone who has been missing? They could be in jail. You can search jail records nationwide in minutes.

About the Author: If you would like to run unlimited background checks on anyone, anytime, please visit this website:

Tracy Dove is a new author. This is her first article. She wants to show people how easy and important it is to perform background checks on people new to our lives.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reasons For Background Checks on Employees

Do you own a business? Are you responsible for the hiring of firing of employees? Do you also have the responsibility of job assignment and duties and are you the one who is held ultimately responsible for the actions of those working under you? If the buck stops with you, you may want to start doing background checks on your current employee?s as well as future candidates.

The technology is available for us today to find out all kinds of relevant information about the people who work for us as well as those who would like to work for us. This information can be very helpful if deciding if someone is right for the job. For example, a car dealership would not want to hire anyone with a poor driving record because their company car insurance costs would rise dramatically. Most car dealership employees do drive company cars at one time or another. You would also not want to hire anyone with a history of financial problems to handle money. If they have trouble managing their own, they probably won?t be much better at managing yours.

A person who has a history of filing frivolous lawsuits may not be someone you would want working for your company. Although there are lawsuits filed that definitely have merit, if a person is suing someone every chance they get, they may only be interested in easy money. They may not be the best workers or reliable. You may also have concerns about your own companies assets being attacked by a unwarranted lawsuit.

A criminal history or criminal record check is also advised. You would need to be cautious when hiring someone with a history of assault. This could mean an anger management problem. A person who has restraining orders filed against them may also someone whom you would need to use caution in hiring. This could indicate a personality disorder.

All in all, background checks on employee?s ca yield a great deal of very useful information. I believe that current employee?s should be given a chance to explain anything suspicious on their report before any action is taken against them. I also believe that if the offense is minor, and a person is very qualified for a job, you should give them the chance to explain any blemish on their record. A background check should be another tool used in making employment decisions, not the only tool. The old saying that you can?t judge a book by its cover still holds true today. You should only use the information to form a clear picture of who the person is along with every other factor involved, such as work history and the personal interview with the person. I also don?t believe that employee?s with exemplary employment records should be terminated because of a mistake made in their past.

Jennie Crawford is the stay at home mom of two small children. For more information go to or

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Can I Sleep Over at my Friend's House Tonight? Avoid Putting a Child at Risk by Performing Parental Background Checks

We all have slept over at a friend's house before. Growing up, sleepovers probably are some of the most fun you can have as a child or teenager. However, not all sleepovers end up with fond memories or even safely. Consider the following example:

It seems so innocent. Billy wants to sleep over at his new friend Tommy's house. Before you can allow him to spend the night with Tommy's family, you decide that you want to call Tommy's parents and see if they sound like good people. After a few minutes of speaking with Tommy's dad, you give the go-ahead to Billy to spend the night at Tommy's house. The next day, you ask Billy how things went and he tells you that everyone had a great time and he got to shoot his first gun. Turns out, Tommy's dad has been busted on weapons charges several times, a fact which you were unaware of.

If you think that the above tale seems unlikely, you are probably right. However, have you ever taken that chance with your child?

With the help of online investigative people search web sites like Voom People, parents won't hesitate to look up a new teacher or even run a background check on the school bus driver, yet they never seem to inquire into the pasts of fellow parents. Surprisingly, even with the increasing ease of use and lowered costs of these sites, most parents don't even consider looking into the possibly that another parent might be dangerous or could pose harm to their children. "How could a parent be dangerous to children when he or she knows what it is like to love and care for them?" is the reasoning many parents use to justify automatically trusting other parents. However, being a parent does not necessarily mean that a person can't:

1. Have a criminal record 2. Be a registered sex offender or pedophile 3. Have desire or predisposition to commit crime.

The famous expression that "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" perfectly illustrates the process of performing a background check on the parents of your child's friends. A parent just as likely could have been convicted of rape, domestic violence, theft or virtually any other crime as a non-parent. Therefore, being a parent doesn't omit someone from the type of scrutiny that anyone who is around children typically receives. Most teachers, counselors and now even youth coaches, have to undergo background checks before they can spend time with children. Strangley, the people who often spend the most time with children, parents, are rarely the subject of a background check report.

So as a parent, how can you ensure your child's safety if he or she is sleeping over at a friend's house? Performing a background check on the parents of your child's friend can give you a window into their past behavior and allow you to consider the entire picture when deciding if you child can spend the night at a particular friend's house. Though you can't control the actions of others or predict the future, you can benefit from the past and avoid putting your child in a dangerous situation. Once an individual's criminal past is discovered, it is then up to you to decide if he or she should be allowed around your child. Therefore, before you give the go-ahead to allow your child to be in the company of strangers overnight, wouldn't you like to know that you have done all that you can to protect your child from harm?

People Search News urges parents to perform background checks on fellow parents who will be in contact with their children. Though you can't predict the future, you also can't ignore the past.

Founded in 2006, People Search News is a Sacramento, California based non-commercial online source for people search and people finder related news and information.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Some Of The Many Situations That Require A Background Check

A background check can be used for many different purposes. It can be used for employment, references, obtaining classified information, or obtaining top secret bits and pieces of information. You want to make sure that you have a good clean background so that you will not have to worry about that being the reason why you did not get the job that you wanted.

A background check if repeatedly used to find out information for employment. By looking into your background they can find out your criminal record, bad checks, and any other information that they may need to know. A person even has to get a background check if they want to go out and buy a firearm. Some positions that you apply for may not look into your background as much as other jobs might.

For instance if you work in a nursing home they will look into your background since you will be around the elderly. They really look into your background if you want a job in the FBI. Some jobs that you get, for instance babysitting, may want you to have some references before you watch their kids. After all mothers and fathers do not want just any one watching their children for them while they are out.

Information that could be Included

The job you are applying for is very important when it comes to your background check. If you are applying for a part time job that only pays minimum way then the background check it not going to be very extensive. But, if you apply for a job being a cop or anything along those lines, the background check is going to show almost everything if not everything.

A background check can show almost anything from your past. It can show your criminal and incarceration records. If you go into a law field they will look into your litigation records to see if you routinely file discrimination lawsuits. A job that will entail you to drive around would include your driving and vehicle records. If a job is going to pay you full time and give you benefits they are going to look into how high of an education you got. They may even look at the type of grade you received while getting that education. You could even have your SAT or ACT scores looked at to see how well you did on those as well.

Drug tests can be used for a variety of reasons. The most obvious reason is to see is anyone has had any drugs of any sort in their body. They can also be used though to see how well an employee should perform while working for them. If the employee is not going to perform very well they are obviously not going to hire that person if there is another person out there who could do the job better.

The company you are trying to work for is also going to look at your previous work records to see how well you work there. If you were unsuccessful at that job you may not get the job you want. There are also many other things that a potential businessman is going to look at before hiring a person for a job. That is why it is so important to make sure that you have a clean record and that you stay out of trouble.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as background check at

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

How To Do A Proper Background Check On A Nanny

When you hire a nanny you need to make sure that she is the best person for the job. You do not, after all, just want to leave your kids with just anyone. The person should be responsible, likes kids, be able to have fun, and still know when it is time to be serious.

A Few Pieces of Advice

One of the most important things you do before you hire a nanny is make sure you get at least three references. Make sure you contact all of these references and ask them specific questions about her performance. Ask them if they would hire her again, if they liked how she handled the children, why she left, and any other little bits of information that you can think of. If you can not get a hold of the three references ask for some more references until you talk to three people.

Have the nanny fill out an application just like she would have to at any other place of employment. Make sure you get all of the vital information like her birth date, social security number, and other names she may have gone by in the past. Get her college school name and any other schooling she may have had in the past. Ask her to list her last five employers. Make sure that these employers are not from the three references. Also get in contact with these people to see how well she performed at her job there. Get the phone number, address, and name of the previous employer.

If you decide to do a background check on her you need to let her know and have her sign a piece of paper authorizing you to do a background check on her. Make sure that you see if she is hesitant to sign the paper. If she is then she might be hiding something from her past. Can you really trust a person who may be hiding something from a person she will be working for? If you do not feel comfortable trusting her around your kids then do not hire her.

Check the information that she gave you to her previous places of employment. Make sure that the information matches up correctly. Call the relative and make sure that she is really related to them. If she is not related to them then she is obviously lying to you, and if she feels comfortable lying to you now she will keep on doing and just get more comfortable lying to you in the future.

If you find that all of the information checks out with the person but you are still a little leery of hiring her then do not hire her. You need to hire a person that you can trust which your children. Also before you hire the nanny make sure the children are comfortable around her. There is nothing worse than hiring a nanny who if perfect but the children do not like her. If the children do not like her than they are not going to listen to her very well. So make sure that the children like her that way you will get respect from both the nanny and your children.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as background check at

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Online Criminal Background Checks: Love 'Em Or Hate 'Em

The world is a wonderful place; a wonderfully scary place. Terrorist attacks, religious wars, drive by shootings, sexual abuse, kidnappings, drug smuggling, hate crimes, and the list goes on and on. Are you safe? Are your children safe? Do you REALLY know your next door neighbor?

Performing online criminal background checks on the people you know and associate with can be one way of helping you find out. After all, if someone?s past could potentially put you or your family in harms way, then don?t you have a right to know?

Recently I had to stop and ponder these questions myself as the pastor at my church was suddenly taken in on accusations of sexual abuse of a child that reportedly happened some 25 years ago. I would have never suspected it, but it did get me thinking.

While some would argue that online criminal background checks are an invasion of privacy, I would argue that in today?s world, it?s more important than ever to know certain things about the people we associate with. Does your kid?s school teacher have a history of drug and alcohol abuse? Does that strange guy in the house down the street that your children pass by every day on their way to school have a history of sex crimes? Has that ?great? guy you just started dating ever been in jail for committing violent acts?

Online criminal background checks can give you the peace of mind you need to protect you and your children. Sometimes we are forced to associate with certain people not because we choose to do so, but because they are our co-workers, the mailman, or our children?s teachers.

We only have one life to live, and we should be able to feel safe when we go outside in our own neighborhoods. Don?t you agree?

Derek Blandford is the co-owner of a successful online splash page design company and researches and writes on a variety of subjects. Did you know that waiting just one more day to find out someone?s criminal past could put you and your children in harm?s way? Get precise information, instantly. Click here:

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Background Check Yourself?

Most background check services search public records that may include such information as your phone number, address and criminal background. However, they can also process the information they receive from public record and build associations or perhaps even false information. For example, some ?people searches? look for aliases that may lead some to think that you are someone else. If you have ever received a bill addressed to someone else, with a similar name, a collection agency may have ran a search and sent the bill to possible aliases in an attempt to locate a debtor.

So why background check yourself? Two reasons: one, to verify if information is correct and two, to see if someone else is using your identity.

Verifying Information

Who might check your background?

  • Employers
  • If you submit an application or a resume to a company, they can run a background check to verify your resume information such as past employment, professional licenses or degrees. It is a good idea to check your personal information before someone else does to find out if everything that comes back is accurate. For example, if your degree does not show up you can obtain the information directly from the school to give to the employer.

  • Loan Processors
  • When you apply for a line of credit, you can assume a credit check will be conducted. Unfortunately, often credit reports come back with inaccurate information. Make sure to keep your own records, if you pay off a bill keep receipts and payment in full letters from creditors. They can also run asset checks to look for things such as home value.

  • Collection Agencies
  • This is a common tool used by collection agencies when they are looking for a debtor. Sometimes they may get false information, or they may think you are someone else. Keep all of your own records to prove to agencies that you do not owe the debt. If you run a search on yourself, you may find other names that come up with your name, as aliases or as associations. These other people may be the ones that actually owe the debt. For example, if John M. Smith owes a debt and your name is J. Mark Smith, collection agencies may send you a bill, thinking that or hoping that you might be the debtor.


Someone may be using your personal information for credit applications or for other uses. Also, unintentional misuse may occur, for example if someone enters a SSN incorrectly.

  • Credit Monitors or Credit Watchers
  • This type of service offered by many background search services, helps you monitor your credit. You can use a credit monitor service to watch your credit over a period of time to look for inaccuracies, credit score changes or to see if some is trying to use your information. For example, you can run a search using your SSN to find out if any other names are associated with your number.

So what do you do if reported information is incorrect? Unfortunately, changing inaccurate information can be a confusing, complicated process. Nevertheless, there are a few ways to change report information:

  • State, County, National Information: You have to contact appropriate public agencies to correct public record. These types of records include criminal, court, tax, liens, judgments, small claims, driving and bankruptcy records, as well as birth/death and marriage/divorce records. Public record also manages information regarding property including real estate and motorized vehicles.
  • Credit Reporting Agencies: The three main credit reporting agencies include Experian, TransUnion and TRW. Current law provides that you can receive a free copy of your credit report once every twelve months, see To change information on your report begin by writing a letter to all reporting agencies disputing the claim, include copies of supporting documents if you can, wait for them to analyze and investigate your claim and make appropriate changes. If changes are made you can request another free report to verify.
  • To Block Searches: Some background search services enable you to opt-out of their search program. They report that they cannot block you from every search option but from most. Most search services require that you send them your social security number, full name with middle initial, aliases, current and former addresses as well as birth date. Keep in mind, that for complete protection you will have to make this request with every reporting service separately.

To find out how the Freedom of Information Act governs federal agencies see the US Department of Justice, Freedom of Information Act page at This act does not control records held by Congress, the courts, or by state or local government agencies. You will need to contact your state or local agencies to discover their guidelines in regards to the release of public information. For local information, see the Washburn School of Law webpage at This site offers links to all 50 states and links to other legal pages of interest.

If you are curious to see what is being reported about you, visit US and run a ?personal records profile? that will report information regarding your address up to 10 years back, aliases, associations (roommates, relatives and neighbors), bankruptcies and liens, small claim records as well as property and home ownership data including value.

Generally, all of your public information is available to anyone that asks for it, but it is up to you to make sure that the data is accurate.

Pamela Stevens

Pamela Stevens writes for, an online review service that publishes unbasied software, online service and hardware reviews. TopTenReviews also publishes movie reviews and entertainment pages. Please see for reviews and articles on a wide variety of topics.

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Online criminal background checks: love 'em or hate 'em?

The world is a wonderful place; a wonderfully scary place. Terrorist attacks, religious wars, drive by shootings, sexual abuse, kidnappings, drug smuggling, hate crimes, and the list goes on and on. Are you safe? Are your children safe? Do you REALLY know your next door neighbor?

Performing online criminal background checks on the people you know and associate with can be one way of helping you find out. After all, if someone's past could potentially put you or your family in harms way, then don't you have a right to know?

Recently I had to stop and ponder these questions myself as the pastor at my church was suddenly taken in on accusations of sexual abuse of a child that reportedly happened some 25 years ago. I would have never suspected it, but it did get me thinking.

While some would argue that online criminal background checks are an invasion of privacy, I would argue that in today's world, it's more important than ever to know certain things about the people we associate with. Does your kid's school teacher have a history of drug and alcohol abuse? Does that strange guy in the house down the street that your children pass by every day on their way to school have a history of sex crimes? Has that "great" guy you just started dating ever been in jail for committing violent acts?

Online criminal background checks can give you the peace of mind you need to protect you and your children. Sometimes we are forced to associate with certain people not because we choose to do so, but because they are our co-workers, the mailman, or our children's teachers.

We only have one life to live, and we should be able to feel safe when we go outside in our own neighborhoods. Don't you agree?

Derek Blandford is the co-owner of a successful online splash page design company and researches and writes on a variety of subjects. Did you know that waiting just one more day to find out someone's criminal past could put you and your children in harm's way? Get accurate information, instantly! Click here!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Background Checks, Investigate Anyone, Search for Records!

There is no disputing the importance of conducting background checks in today's society. The benefits of comprehensive background checks are felt not only by business owners but by the individual customer.

Businesses: Do you know who you are hiring? Don't let your company be one of the many businesses worldwide that unknowingly hire unqualified and incompetent employees. Be sure your company maintains a competitive edge by hiring fully-qualified, reliable, and safe workers.

Individuals: The easy way to find out the truth about anyone! We know how important it is to you to feel secure about the people you enter into relationships with -- whether the relationships are business or personal. That's why we've compiled these background check resources. Now, using this software as your gateway to our nation's vast reservoir of public records, you can check out virtually anyone's background from your home or office.

For more info:

Dave Carter - Author


Guide to doing vehicle background checks

There could be multiple reasons of purchasing a new car like you want to pamper yourself with a new car or there could be a new teenaged driver in the household. So while making that decision make sure that you do sufficient research on a vehicle background like a vehicle background check, you can determine who owns the car and if has been in any accidents. Steps to follow for getting the information necessary before purchasing the new vehicle

1. The very first step should be: Be comfortable to speak to the owner itself. You can get his information by looking at an information sheet that is normally tacked onto one of the inside windows of the car. Give the owner a call and arrange to meet them and test drive the car. Get all the information you can, then tell them that you will get back in touch with them when you make your final decision. After the meeting and test drive, run that vehicle background check! This way, you can cross examine the realities with false information's. Depending on any incongruity: you can either decline the offer out rightly or ask the owner about them.

2. In the vehicle background check report that you will get you will be provided the owner's name verify this against the name of the person you met. An address is revealed as well as the car's vehicle identification number (VIN). Other information in the vehicle background check is the car's make and model and the year it was made. From there, you could read about the history of the car itself - repairs records, indemnity claims and whether the car has ever been in a crash. If there was an accident in the car's history, then you can also find out what type of damage it was.

3. With a little bit of reading you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to vehicle background check.

4. The information that is there in vehicle background check report has part of the data coming from the Department of Motor Vehicles in the state the car is registered in. The actual chronicle of the car can be revealed because of the records that all mechanics must keep when repairing or inspecting a car. The mechanics are required to report the VIN and all the work completed on the car. This information creates a history which can then be exposed with a vehicle credentials check.

5. There are other reasons associated with the use of the vehicle background check report like when a policeman makes a routine traffic stop. He will usually call in the car's license plate number to police headquarters to make sure the car description matches the description associated with license plate number. And secondly, the policeman is also checking to see if the car was reported stolen. A policeman may also call in for a vehicle background check if a car was found desolated.

I hope by now you must have realized the importance of vehicle background checks that that is worth spending time and efforts.

For more information visit our autos and cars site.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

12 Things You Might Not Know About Background Checks

If you're applying for a job today, the chances are excellent that you will have to pass a background check to get hired. In fact, over 90% of companies now run background checks on all applicants. Before you sit down to fill out that very important job application, here are 12 facts you might not know about background checks:

* According to Workforce Management, over 45 million background checks were run during the past year.

* Most companies use a candidate's job application, not resume, when running a background check.

* 86% of businesses say that inaccuracies on a job application can take a job candidate out of consideration.

* Half of all job applications contain discrepancies.

* Well-known people who were caught lying on their resumes and job applications:

  1. Dave Edmondsen - Chief executive of Radio Shack
  2. George Deutsch - Bush appointee at NASA
  3. Alan Seman - Mayor of Rancho Mirage
  4. George O'Leary - Notre Dame Football Coach
  5. Kenneth Lonchar - CFO at Veritas Software

* Companies generally don't tell applicants what types of information they are going to look at during a background check.

* Although many hiring companies do call references, they don't always call the ones supplied by the applicant.

* Most companies don't give an applicant a chance to correct negative information on a background report.

* The Federal Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is the federal law that deals with background checks. In addition, each state can pass its own laws that cover pre-employment screening.

* Many states have passed laws that allow a former employer to speak candidly about previous employees.

* A recent study showed that over 40% of employers revealed more information about previous employees than what was required by law.

* There is no such thing as a national criminal database. There are databases that contain partial information, but there is no database that contains information on every crime committed in the U.S.

One of the most important things you can do is prepare for your background check. Make sure that your hire and termination dates are right. Explain any gaps in your employment history. Confirm that your records are available. Many people lose job opportunities because prospective employers can't verify their background.

Remember, no matter how qualified you are, you won't get hired if you don't pass the background check.

- Jan Maxwell is the author of "A Job Hunter's Secret Weapon: How to Survive a Background Check and Get the Job You Really Want" It's the first book that takes job applicants inside a real background check, explains how information gets verified, and shows them how to fill out a job application that will sail through pre-employment screening


Thursday, February 7, 2008

How to Perform a Background Check on a Potential Online Date

Time passes and you are ready to finally meet Mr. Right. However, as much of a hopeless romantic as you are, you do realize that there may be some risks involved with meeting someone in person that you found online. Therefore, you decide to run a background check on your date. When executed properly, a background check can tell you tons of valuable information about your potential date including whether he or she is married, his or her real age and even if your date has a criminal past. However, you may be new to the world of people searching and may not know which information is necessary to perform an accurate background check. In addition, if you were missing some of this required information and needed to obtain it from your date, you would want to do it in a smooth and comfortable manner without your date finding out. Relax, both of these goals can easily be accomplished if you keep the following tips in mind:

First off, before you go and try to probe your date for specific information such as his social security number or date of birth, you should realize that this type of information may not even be needed to perform an effective online background check. Thus, you may not need to ask a strange or awkward question to your date like, "If I were you, what city would I have been born in?", because this information may not even be required. Due to the technical sophistication of sites like, you only need basic information about your date to perform a background check. Simple information such as Mr. Right's first name, last name, city of residence and age is really all the information that you will probably need. Therefore, before you try to do some detective work on your own, check with the people search web site that you will be using to perform your background check to determine exactly which type of information you need to obtain accurate people search results.

If you do need to obtain some additional or basic information from your date to perform your background check, there is no need to panic. Casually asking questions like, "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" or "Where are you from again...were your born there too?" are not too difficult for most people to ask. Remember to relax and ask your questions in a calm and friendly manner. Additionally, most of the required information needed to perform a background check is very basic and really doesn't delve too deep into one's past. Therefore, it shouldn't be too tough to obtain from your date. If your date is hesitant to give you this type of information, you probably should look elsewhere for Mr. Right.

Finally, you can rest assured that you made the right choice by looking into the past of your date. Not only are online background checks affordable, these checks are also completely anonymous. Therefore, your date will never know that you performed a background check on them.

Founded in 2006, is a Sacramento, California based non-commercial online source for people search and people finder related news and information.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to Obtain a Criminal Background Check

Criminal background checks are very easy to obtain on anyone. All you have to do is to contact the appropriate entity. You can look in the phonebook or check online. There are many places that offer this service. Most of the time you don't need more than the individual's name and state of residence to begin to obtain information on the individual. Obviously, the more information you have about an individual, the faster and easier it is to obtain information about that individual. A social security number, birth date, previous addresses narrow down the search and bring up more relevant information.

Online criminal background checks begin at a cost of approximately twenty dollars. The amount of information that can be gleaned from publicly available information sources and databases is almost unbelievable. This is information that is available to anyone. These agencies just know where to obtain it easier and faster than the rest of us do. They are not doing anything illegal in gathering and handing out this information. Since it is publicly available information anybody has a right to request it for whatever reason.

What kind of information does a criminal background check reveal? The results of the criminal background check will include information on the individual's criminal record and sex offenses. There will be information on where the individual has lived for the past twenty or thirty years, who are his relatives, friends, neighbors and associates. The individual's marital history and status will be reported. What property the individual owns and what is the value of that property is also included in the report as well as his involvement in any lawsuits, liens, judgments or bankruptcies. You can also obtain information on the individual's employment status and history as well as his credit history. This, and more information, is available to anyone who requests it.

Many employers and rental agents do criminal background checks on applicants as a routine part of their business. They have a right to know who they are bringing onto their premises. Since so many people lie so easily, these kinds of background checks are necessary. Many people think that if they don't mention fact, like they are a sex offender or have served time in the past that it won't be known. This is why people have to spend money on background checks - to find out the things that they aren't being told.

Joseph is the proud owner of Background Investigation, a website that will explain everything you need to know about Background Checks. We invite you to visit our site today and see what we have to offer

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Get the Scoop: Performing a Background Check on your Local Ice Cream Man

Last week, I watched a movie called "The Ice Cream Man" starring Clint Howard in which an ice cream man kills young boys, chops them up and places them inside his frozen treats. Although this movie was extremely far-fetched, ridiculous and a bit macabre, it does raise a very important question; do you really know your children's ice cream man?

Let's face facts, we don't really know anything about our local ice cream man. True, we may be able to recognize him if we saw him on the street. However, other than his physical appearance, he remains a complete stranger. Though it may be dreadful to think about, he may have a criminal past and may even be a registered sex offender. The fact that most companies, let alone ice cream vendor organizations, do not perform a background check before hiring an employee makes it even more likely that your ice cream man may have a criminal history.

Even if the local ice cream man has a criminal past, should you even care? If you are a responsible parent or neighbor, your answer should be "yes" for two reasons. First off, it is common knowledge that children love the ice cream man and don't really have a reason to be afraid of or not trust him. Secondly, the best indicator of future behavior is to look to the past. Therefore, a convicted criminal may again commit a crime. Even more devastating to consider is that if an ice cream man wanted to harm a child, he probably would have an opportunity to do so as most parents don't event watch their kids when they are buying ice cream or talking to the ice cream man.

So what can be done? Besides increased supervision on children when they interact with the ice cream man, the best defense against potentially dangerous ice cream men is to perform an online background check. Even if he seems nice, approachable or friendly, appearances can be deceiving, so it is best to get the facts. A standard background check from a reputable online company like can provide you with a complete picture of someone's past including their criminal history and sex offender status. Most background checks can also be performed inexpensively and anonymously in less than a few minutes!

To perform a background check on your local ice cream man, you only need basic information such as his name, address, phone number or where he works. From there, a people search organization can tell you all the information that you need to know to keep your children and your neighborhood safe.

Isn't your child worth it?

Founded in 2006, is a Sacramento, California based non-commercial online source for people search and people finder related news and information.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Getting to Know your Little League Coach: Using Background Checks to Ensure your Child's Safety

Little league coaches come from all walks of life. These coaches are often retirees, volunteers, college students, and parents as well as both men and women. Besides their appearance and what your child tells you, how much do you really know about these coaches?

Sure, they may look friendly and they are giving back to the community by volunteering their time. However, how much do you trust a stranger with your child? Little league coaches spend approximately nine hours a week with their teams and even more time during travel to away games. In addition, many children look up to these coaches as role models. Wouldn't you want to know a little more about someone who will have such a large impact on your child's life?

Growing up in a rural community, one of the most exciting times of the year for me was little league season. Each year, I couldn't wait to get introduced to my new teammates and my new coach. It really was great to start the new season, but to tell you the truth, it was a little weird interacting with my new coach. Having someone that you don't know tell you what to do and spend that much time with you so quickly can be an unnerving situation.

I remember a coach that I had named Mark. He was an extremely nice gentleman and really kept the team having fun. After the game each Saturday, he would invite the team over for a pool party. I never went with him because I usually went out to eat with my parents. Anyway, one week I heard a story about how he made a pass at one of my team mates. I told my dad and he then told the police. It turns out that Coach Mark was a convicted sex offender, a fact that none of the parents were aware of. Coach Mark was then arrested and was removed as our coach. I wonder though, could this incident have been prevented if one of the parents had checked up on Mark before the season?

The old adage that it is "better to be safe than sorry" is not a bad one to practice with your children. Online background checks are a relatively inexpensive way to keep your child protected by having them spend time with only truly trustworthy and responsible individuals. In the case of Coach Mark, if a parent had run a background check prior to the season, he would have never been our coach. In addition, the league may have amended their coach selection policy to include background checks of candidates to eliminate candidates like Mark.

The staff at PSN urges parents to run a background check on your children's coaches before each season. You don't need much information to run a check and the basic information on a coach provided by your little league, such as phone number, first and last name, etc., should be sufficient. Background checks performed by reputable organizations will show your coach's past and help you decide if he or she is the right person to coach your child. In addition to telling you if your coach has a criminal record, background checks can also tell you if a coach has moved around often, has aliases, marital status, and whether they have been labeled as a sex offender. In addition, background checks can be performed for about the cost of a large pizza. Thus, piece of mind this season can be obtained for as little as $9.95 through an online search service like Isn't your child worth it?

Founded in 2006, ( is a Sacramento, California based non-commercial online source for people search and people finder related news and information

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Free criminal background checks for members of singles dating website

As the government and media focus on people who exploit online dating services for criminal or false gain, one such company has decided to put members' minds at ease by offering them the chance to check up on potential dates for free.

For immediate release

Northfield, NJ - Online mischief-makers who hide behind false profiles beware - a New Jersey-based web dating agency has responded to growing concerns over online fraudsters by providing a service that could shake up the Internet match-making industry and silence its critics.

Shore Network Connections LCC is offering paid members of its dating site,, free access to, a powerful online database that allows users to perform detailed and discreet background checks on potential friends or dates.

"There has been a lot of controversy about online dating sites and the media has been complaining that there is no way for members to perform background checks on potential dates," said Mr. Kenneth Bachman, President of Shore Network Connections

"For members of, this is no longer a concern because they have the ability to make systematic checks on future partners."

Bachman's initiative comes at a time when states have either implemented, or are considering, legislation to make criminal background checks binding on all online dating agencies.

New York has already passed a consumer law to regulate dating sites while several other states are keen on following suit.

With providing a legal and reputable avenue for conducting background checks - without the need for expensive private investigators - users can now make unlimited online searches on individuals across any state and country.

The site provides public and vital sources as well as extensive individual searches. Its legal resources are used by private detectives and law enforcement officials around the world.

Members can now investigate potential partners to find out whether they are already married, bankrupt or have criminal records. was set up by Mr. Bachman, a New Jersey policeman, to help emergency service personnel such as police officers and firefighters get in touch with each other over the Internet.

In the past, conducting background checks on potential dates was a laborious process, often involving the need to hire expensive private investigators.

Some websites offer review services, in which members of certain online dating agencies would post comments on other users as references.

However, only through, using, can users gain access to such accurate and detailed information.

Since the idea of legislation was first put forward more than a year ago, there has been a raging debate on whether such a move made sense.

Some online agencies said that targeting only web-based companies, and not offline entities such as newspaper personal ads, was biased.

Others believe mandatory background checks do not take into account potential offenders.

Bachman says his free service will give an edge over offline dating agencies while raising the credibility of online sites.

"This will help convince people that our site is safe and probably encourage those who had previously never considered dating on the Internet to go online," said Bachman.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Background Check: Be Prepared for What Future Employers Might Find.

Do you know what to expect when applying for a new job? Most job seekers are under the impression that employers only check the references listed on your resume or application. This is an inherently false assumption. A recent People Search ( reported that more than 80% of all business now performs comprehensive background checks on all potential employees, compared to less than half that number 10 years ago. Also, the size of the business does not necessarily determine if a pre-employment background check will be performed.

"Many companies, regardless of size, now use online data brokers to perform background checks on employees. Employers can get a comprehensive background report in less than a minute for under $40. This is not only cost-effective, but extremely convenient," said People Search ( Guy Dubleche.

Employers can also not rely wholly on the interview process or references listed on a resume or job application to gauge a prospective employee. Therefore, a majority of employers are using online background checks to gauge a prospective employee's character and work ethic before making the decision to hire them.

What is in a Background Check?

First off, many people like to associate the term "background check" with criminal records. True, if a person does have a criminal background that information is likely to show up on a background check, but a comprehensive background check contains much more information than that.

According to the Web site ( can obtain the following information when performing a background check:

? Age

? Addresses and phone numbers (20 year history)

? Real property ownership

? Aliases and maiden names

? Known associates

? Possible relatives

? Neighbors

? Marriage and divorces

? Bankruptcies and liens (judgments)

? National criminal records

? Employment history

How do Employers use this Information?

Employers use the information in background reports to get a picture of your character and trustworthiness. Besides the basics like past salary verification, work history and address history, employers can make general assumptions about your character based on information found in a background check. For instance, bad credit or late payments may lead some employers to believe that you are un-reliable. Also, employers may look at your address history and work history to determine if you are stable individual.

Before performing a comprehensive background check on a prospective employee, employers must get the written consent of the candidate. Also, by law, anyone using information from these reports as a reason for denying you employment must tell you and give you the contact information for the agency from which the report was obtained. You can use this information to dispute any inaccurate information.

You also have the right to request a copy of your background report from the company performing the check. It is a good idea to hold onto these reports for future reference whether you were hired or not.

It is also good practice to obtain a copy of both your credit report and background report before interviewing for a job. Knowing exactly what appears on both your background and credit reports will ensure you are fully prepared to answer any questions that may arise from a prospective employer.

So, what can you do?

Though no one has a crystal ball, you can increase your chances of getting a great job and rewarding career by keeping up-to-date on the information in your credit and background report. This way, you can dispute any unnecessary items before your interview with the background check company. In addition, if you know you may have had some credit or background troubles in the past, it is best to be up front with a potential employee about it.

Founded in 2006, ( a Sacramento, California based non-commercial online source for people search and people finder related news and information.

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